Abhilashi University B+ NAAC,For B.V.Sc. & A.H. Admission Contact :7742292691,for other states only



‘Hostel is home away from home’. At the end of each academic day a student feels completely exhausted and requires recharge of physical and mental energy. All these call for a comfortable residential accommodation which provides the necessary ambience for group interaction and learning situations, for achieving academic excellence.

University has constructed well-furnished separate hostels for boys and girls. It is accepted that the quality and availability of lodging is a major concern to all the students, and due to this our University has given them first class facilities which include the following:


1.    Separate hostel for boys and girls.

2.    Well furnished, spacious, clean with excellent hygienic, modern style rooms.

3.    Lodging is divided into single or double or triple sharing rooms.

4.    Rooms are properly ventilated, spacious and equipped with separate beds, study tables and cupboards.

5.    Each floor has facility for clean bathrooms and toilets.

6.    Hot water is provided through solar heating system.

7.    24-hour water and power facility.

8.    Common room with all amenities like television, newspapers and magazines.

9.    Wi-Fi facility.

10.                       Mess facility managed by dedicated teams of employees for cooking and sanitation.

11.                       Highly dedicated security personnel who ensure proper security to students.

12.                       Round the clock security of the campus and the hostel managed by a private agency.



1.      Students seeking admission to the hostel will have to apply to the Warden of the hostel (Boys/Girls) at the time of admission in the University.

2.     The names of the candidates approved by Dean Students Welfare will be conveyed to the Warden.

3.     The selected students will have to take admission in the hostel allotted to them within the stipulated time by paying the requisite fee in the accounts branch of the university.

4.     After depositing the fee by the student, Warden will allot room to the student in the hostel. Once the hostel admission is over, Warden will submit the list of hostel boarders to Dean Students Welfare.


According to H.P. Govt. norms.


Hostel Rules and Regulations


General Rules:

1.     The hostel authorities will not be responsible for any loss/damage of private property such as cash/mobile phone/scooter/motorcycle and other valuables. The residents are advised to get their vehicles insured against loss, theft and fire.

2.     When the student vacates his/her room, he/she will return to the Warden all hostel furniture and other property issued to him/her failing which he/she will be liable to pay the entire cost of materials issued.

3.     Any violation of rules and regulations will be subject to strict disciplinary action and parents of the ward informed accordingly. Disciplinary action includes any or all of the following penalties in accordance with the nature and seriousness of the offence:-

a.     Payment for the repair of replacement of the article(s) damaged.

b.     Suspension from the hostel for a specified period of time or expulsion from the Hostel/University.

c.      A student admitted to hostel cannot withdraw from the hostel during the session 2017-18i.e. up to July 2018.

4.     Hostel is compulsory for BAMS students.

Note: Orders/decisions notified from time to time by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor/Dean Students Welfare/Warden will be binding on the residents.

Attendance and Leave Rules

1.     The gates of the hostels will close and open at fixed time. Schedule will be put up on the notice board and the students will strictly adhere to it.

2.     A resident shall, under all circumstances, take written permission from the Warden before leaving the hostel overnight. He/she shall sign the register maintained for the purpose at the hostel gate.

3.     In the event, the University decides to increase the timings of library and other facilities, the University will make adequate arrangements for girl students.

4.     The names of the residents absenting themselves without permission for three days or more may be struck off the rolls of the hostel and possession of their rooms taken by the Warden.

Behaviour & Discipline

All residents shall have their meals in dining hall in the hostel. No resident will take his/her food to his/her room except in case of ill health and with the permission of the Warden. Students will maintain perfect discipline, harmony and peaceful atmosphere in the hostel and refrain from the following:

1.     Teasing, maltreating or indulging in any sort of ragging.

2.     Stealing or pilfering Hostel/University or the property of other students.

3.     Unruly conduct orrowdism.

4.     Writing on the walls or other parts of the hostel buildings or sticking of posters or distribution of unauthorized handbill or notices.

5.     Making noise and/or creating other disturbances, including the use of electronic or radios in such manner as to disturb others.

6.     Participating or causing others to participate in disturbances of any kind or behaving or causing others to behave in such a way so as to bring the Hostel/School/University into disrepute.

7.     Changing rooms and transfer any furniture from one room to another without the prior permission of the hostel Warden.

8.     Causing any damage to hostel/University property.

9.     Using of electric heater, rod, and electric press etc.

10.  Smoking, consumption of alcoholic drink, using drugs or any other intoxicating substances. Any resident found indulging in such practices shall be fined heavily and will be asked to vacate the hostel without any notice.

11.  Acts of indiscipline, misbehavior, gambling, or possession of weapons in the hostel premises including room. A resident guilty of any of these violations shall be liable to expulsion or any other punishment deemed fit by the authorities. Incase a student is expelled from the hostel his/her case for allotment of room in the hostel will only be considered after two semesters.